On May 13th and 14th, we celebrated our sixth edition at Torre de Antel. We had 13 workshops with more than 300 attendees, a a round table with over 100, and 17 talks with over 380 people. For the first time, we held two simultaneous talk tracks!
As with the previous edition, TestingUy 2019 had online streaming during the talks' day with over 1100 unique views!
Janet Gregory at TestingUy
Janet is an agile testing coach and process consultant with DragonFire Inc. She is the co-author, with Lisa Crispin, of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (Addison-Wesley, 2009), and More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team (Addison-Wesley 2014), the LiveLessons Agile Testing Essentials video course, and Agile Testing for the Whole Team 3-day training course.
Janet specializes in showing agile teams how testing practices are necessary to develop good quality products. She works with teams to transition to agile development and teaches agile testing courses worldwide. She contributes articles to publications and enjoys sharing her experiences at conferences and user group meetings around the world. For more about Janet’s work and her blog, visit https://janetgregory.ca or https://agiletester.ca You can also follow her on twitter @janetgregoryca.
Lisa Crispin at TestingUy
Lisa is the co-author, with Janet Gregory, of More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team (2014), Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (2009), the LiveLessons Agile Testing Essentials video course, and Agile Testing for the Whole Team 3-day training course offered through the Agile Testing Fellowship. Lisa was voted by her peers as the Most Influential Agile Testing Professional Person at Agile Testing Days in 2012. She is a testing advocate working at mabl to explore leading practices in testing in the software community. Please visit www.lisacrispin.com and www.agiletester.ca for more.

The 1 billion users you should consider in your tests
Lisandra Armas Águila

Test Automation with Katalon Studio – PART I
Alvaro da Silva y Gastón Marichal

Discovering technical testing – PART I
Matías Fornara, Sebastián Lorenzo y Valeria Sarro

Unit Testing with TDD (Test Driven Development) From Scratch – PART I
Byron Torres y David Montaño

Coffee Break

Exploratory Testing, Testing Heuristics and Lateral Thinking 101
Claudia Badell

Test Automation with Katalon Studio - PART II
Alvaro da Silva y Gastón Marichal

Discovering technical testing - PART II
Matías Fornara, Sebastián Lorenzo y Valeria Sarro

Unit Testing with TDD (Test Driven Development) From Scratch - PART II
Byron Torres y David Montaño

Videogames testing in an educational context
Fabricio Toya, Facundo Pirez y Rita González

Design Patterns In Test Automation: PageObject or ScreenPlay?
Abel Quintana López


Android mobile test automation with Appium and TestNG
Christian J. Maury Solis

Agile or traditional? TMMI an all-terrain methodological framework
Alfonsina Morgavi

Black-Box Testing Design Techniques
Emiliano Alberto Gramajo

Six Thinking Hats in Testing
Silvia Nane

Stress the system, not the user!
Federico Orihuela y Rodrigo Quinta

Using Machine Learning to Refine Software Testing
Juliana Herbert
Round Table
May 13th – Sala Idea Vilariño – Torre de Antel

Coffee Break

Chatting with Janet, Lisa, and Melissa
During this activity, we will be talking with Janet Gregory, Lisa Crispin, and Melissa Eaden about different topics related to software testing and agile methodologies, among other things.
Bring your own questions and let’s exchange ideas and opinions with three world-class experts!
English activity WITHOUT simultaneous translation into Spanish.
Moderated by Rodrigo Quinta.
For medical reasons, Lisa won’t be able to travel to TestingUy this May. Don’t worry, she is having a great and healthy recovery and she will connect remotely!



Agile Testing in Context
Janet Gregory
When agile development first gained popularity, agile meant collocated teams, including testers, programmers, analysts, and customers who were expected to perform many functions. As agile methods have spread and expanded, it becomes apparent that one size does not fit all.
For example, large organizations and those with globally-distributed teams are facing challenges with their agile deployment. Having worked with many teams, Janet Gregory has observed ways that testing in any agile teams can still help deliver a high-quality product. Whether your agile team is part of an enterprise solution, or part of a distributed team is scattered across time zones with individuals working remotely from home, or is part of an offshore outsourced project, you’ll take away techniques and tools to help develop open communication, deal with cultural differences both within an organization and across continents specifically related to testing activities.
Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.

Sharing the Testing Hat
Claudia Badell

Coffee Break

Artificial Intelligence and Testing: What’s going on?
Guillermo Skrilec

Can we make usable security?
Josmell Chavarri y M. Victoria Perez

The good, the bad and the ugly of working with agile
Alexis Monroy y Marcelo Brinkerhoff

Quality in Government - AGESIC perspective
Elena Machuca, Rogelio Rumbo y Valeria Etchechoury

Stressing your… device?
Leticia Almeida

Testing and disability
Gabriela Barrios y Mariana Travieso


Testing in troubled times: self-management techniques
Federico Toledo

Performance testing, experiences in the "PedidosYa" platform
Anisbert Suárez Batista

Where do we come from and what comes next? – The evolution of QA services in Uruguay
Matías González, Paula Reyes y William Llanes

Cypress.io - Automation at the next level
Didier Corrales

Chatbot Testing
Paula Martínez y Rodrigo Beceiro

Contract Testing with Pact
Juan De Souza y Pablo Ravera

Coffee Break

Patterns to Teach Software Testing to Non-developers
Juliana Herbert

Ready Tester One? Go!
Melissa Eaden
Based on my blog post, “Ready Tester One? Go!” I take a look at my own career development and the need to understand a probable career development path for testers in software development. By using and identifying with gaming techniques such as “leveling”, testers are encouraged to find where they think they are in their career growth and then find out how they should continue along the “tester” path and what that might look like as you gain levels. Includes a nifty character sheet people can use to chart their own learning path!
Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.

Testers as Test Consultants: How to learn the skills?
Lisa Crispin
When defining what “modern testing” means to him, Alan Page has said that testers on cross-functional teams should also be testing coaches. Lisa and her co-author Janet Gregory like to think of testers playing a “test consultant” role. Wait, yet another set of skills we have to learn to be successful testers? Not to worry. The skills that make us valuable testers let us help others on our team improve their testing skills. Testers are great at asking questions, providing quick feedback, identifying and solving problems. Lisa will explore ways to grow and apply the skills we already use to help non-testers learn to prevent bugs and build quality in. And she’ll talk about new skills we may need to learn to succeed as test consultants, and how to learn them.
Learning intentions:
- Why testers need to be test consultants, rather than do all the testing themselves
- Skills a tester needs to help others on their cross-functional team learn how to do testing activities themselves
- Ways we can learn and practice these skills
Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.
For medical reasons, Lisa won’t be able to travel to TestingUy this May. Don’t worry, she is having a great and healthy recovery and she will connect remotely!


After at La Chopería
21 de Setiembre 2650, between Bonpland and Scosería
After a day full of testing, we will get together to share some beers and pizzas at “La Chopería”!
Address: 21 de Setiembre 2650, between Bonpland and Scosería.
Costs will be borne by attendees.
Agile Testing Essentials Tutorial with Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin!
Date: 15th May.
Timetable: 9am to 5pm.
Location: Infragistics office (Echevarriarza 3333 between Osorio and Pereyra de la Luz).
Spots: 30.
Workshop information here
Price: USD 430 + VAT (22%). Price includes lunch and two coffee breaks.
Activity in English.
Registration: [email protected]
For medical reasons, Lisa won't be able to travel to TestingUy this May. Don't worry, she is having a great and healthy recovery and she will connect remotely! Melissa Eaden will facilitate the exercises along with Janet Gregory!
Organized by
Claudia Badell
Guillermo Skrilec
Gustavo Guimerans
Diana Burger
Diego Gawenda
Esteban Caballero
Facundo de Battista
Federico Toledo
Flávia Cardoso
Gustavo Mažeikis
Lucía Rodríguez
María Eugenia Decia
Raúl Domínguez
Úrsula Bartram